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Facts Websites
The word fact is a noun. Fact means (1) a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred, (2) a concept whose truth can be proved, (3) a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened, (4) an event known to have happened or something known to have existed.
The Quisto editorial staff has evaluated these websites and placed them in the Fact information category.
- Fact Monster
Free reference site for kids. Get homework help and find facts on thousands of subjects, including sports, entertainment, geography, history, biography, education and health.
- Infobase Publishing
Educational, news, and governmental organizations depend on the superior research tools offered by this news and information service.
- Information News
This information news page comprises recent news headlines, article summaries, and citations about information from general interest news publishers and niche publications.
- PlacesNamed.com
Geographic encylopedia and hypertext collection of geographic and other reference information.
- Robert Niles' Journalism Help
The long-time, award-winning site for finding reference information online.
- refdesk.com
Free and family-friendly site which indexes and reviews quality, credible, and current web-based resources.
- The World Factbook
Country statistics, facts, and information, from the CIA World Factbook.
- Almanac.com (Almanacs)
The Old Farmer's Almanac.
- Information Please (Almanacs)
On-Line Dictionary, Internet Encyclopedia, Atlas, & Almanac Reference.
- Britannica.com (Encyclopedias)
Encyclopedia Britannica
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